Your search for 'Your Water Your Life' yielded 1194 results:
MSP sees progress of low-carbon 'super sewer' investment for Perth
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6 October 2023Local MSP John Swinney has visited the site of the major drainage upgrade being delivered by Scottish Water in central Perth to support the city’s growth and reduce the risk of sewer flooding.
Scottish Water Teams Out in Force to Protect Customers
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9 October 2023Our teams were out across Scotland protecting vital infrastructure during weekend deluge
Monster project secures sustainable water supply for Loch Ness communities
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18 September 2023A state-of-the-art single Water Treatment Works has been built to replace two smaller WTWs. The new plant uses nanofiltration membranes to produce up to 1 million litres of world class drinking water every day, drawn from the largest body of freshwater in Scotland.
Data Drives Waste Water Site Improvements
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25 July 2023An enhanced focus on data is giving Scotland’s most experienced waste water site operators a new insight into running critical infrastructure.
Tunnelling Machine Named By Glasgow Pupil
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13 October 2023A Glasgow schoolgirl has won a competition to name a tunnel boring machine as part of Scottish Water’s multi-million-pound Glasgow Resilience Project.
Stepping up efforts to safeguard services from Storm Babet
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19 October 2023Scottish Water is stepping up its efforts to protect water and waste water services for customers as severe weather sweeps across the country.
Industrial Action Response
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10 November 2023Scottish Water response to impending strike action by union members
Flood Scheme Accelerates New Greenock Sewer Project
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1 December 2023Scottish Water’s £2.5million project to alleviate flooding on the A8 East Hamilton Street in Greenock is to facilitate delivery of a second project to benefit Inverclyde.
Improving Urban Water Quality "on track"
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21 December 2023Latest report on improving urban water quality shows delivery “on track” and new data is published