Our People - Blogs

Working as a Parent
Katie Edwards – Senior Policy Advisor, Strategy and Economic Regulation
My husband and I both work for Scottish Water and when our eldest daughter was born in 2015 we were both keen to have an equal role in looking after her as she grows and develops.
We were lucky that shared parental leave was introduced at Scottish Water shortly before she was born. My husband really enjoyed his 6 weeks with her when she was aged 10 or so months and before she started nursery, taking her to baby classes, going for walks, playing, seeing her crawl for the first time.
We both changed our contracted hours to 32 hours a week over 4 days which is a really good balance between work and family life.
Then the twins came along two years ago! It was a bit of a shock when we first found out. In the early days it took us until mid-afternoon to get everyone ready to leave the house and getting organised for work after maternity leave was a bit more of a challenge.
My husband also took shared parental leave at the end of my leave. This wasn’t quite the same experience with two babies -and some days a toddler to look after too.
My manager suggested I could move to a different team within our department which might suit our circumstances better, given the chaos that is now my home life. Both of our managers have been very understanding and supportive.
Now our home life is still hard work and exhausting, but it's lots of fun too.

Working with a disability
Stuart Pollock – Workflow Administrator, CC Planning
I've been part of the water industry for around 35 years, first with Lanark Water Board in Hamilton and then Scottish Water.
I was born with the condition spina bifida and as a result I currently walk with a slight limp and trail one leg.
But I keep good health and have never let this be a burden in anything I try to achieve, whether in my personal life or working life, so I cope very well balancing both. The condition is obviously permanent but won't get any worse so I just deal with whatever life throws at me and keep focused on each day.
I’ve found Scottish Water to be a very supportive employer. I currently have one of the best line manager’s / team leader I could possibly wish for, both at work and also as a friend who goes way beyond her role, and provides additional support to me on lots of personal issues.
I am aware of Scottish Water’s policy on disability in the workplace and disabled rights but I feel that the fact I have very rarely had to refer to it for advice or support shows that Scottish Water has good support mechanisms in place, should they be required.
I've joined the Disability Forum at Scottish Water, set up in 2017, and have regular conference calls and get-togethers and find this a good support.
I attended a three day disability inclusion training course with 11 other employees and have set up a WhatsApp chat group on the back of this. It was, without doubt, the best course I have ever attended and everyone felt so positive afterwards which still carry with me.

Belonging at Scottish Water
Roshini Kumar Dubey, Investment Analyst
My association with Scottish Water started off way back in 2007 when I was working for Biwater Treatment.
I was based at Scottish Water in Edinburgh. Even though I wasn't an employee of the company, I got great support from staff and managers.
The values of the organisation made me want to work here and since I joined in 2013 I’ve never looked back. I've been lucky to have had supportive managers and even senior leaders.
I've learnt a lot from them that has helped me focus on my career and regain my confidence. I've not just learnt technical expertise, but also things that will mould me into a better human being.
Scottish Water has always been a diverse organisation. When I was leading a team of people initially, more than half of us came from different countries, and over the years the diversity has only increased wider in the organisation.
Diversity helps you to understand and respect different cultures and individuals. That has helped me nurture my coaching and mentoring skills, and help understand people through different elements.
As an Indian working in a foreign land, Scottish Water as an organisation and culture has been equally respectful of my identity and dignity.
I take pride in being part of the Scottish Water team where managers and leaders think compassionately and provide support. Stronger leaders eventually become role models who gain the trust and admiration of people to bring about the element of unity in diversity model to channel and influence values, inclusivity, beliefs and attitudes.