Pre-Start Meetings
Once your application has completed the technical audit stage, we recommend you request a Pre-Start Meeting. A Pre-Start Meeting is an opportunity for you to speak with a member of our field team before you begin any work on site. It is an opportunity for Scottish Water to support and guide you on the construction stage of your development in relation to water and waste water connections.
A Pre-Start meeting can be requested through our Development Services Application Portal by clicking on the ‘request a meeting’ button within your application.

Request a Meeting
A Pre-Start meeting can be requested through our Development Services Portal
Track Inspection
A track Inspection is the inspection Scottish Water must carry out prior to a connection being made to the public network. It involves inspecting any pipework you have installed as part of your development.
Once any pipework is installed, and in advance of any final connection to the public water or waste water network, we need to inspect the work before it is backfilled to ensure it meets with regulations.
Before Scottish Water carries out any inspections of your pipework please note that your invoice must be accepted and fully paid.
Remote Track Inspection
Scottish Water has released a mobile app which allows you to carry out your own water track inspection remotely removing the need for a Scottish Water inspector to come to your site. The app is designed to guide you through the track inspection process, detailing the various images that you are required to submit.The app also allows Scottish Water to ensure that your pipe work has been laid correctly and in accordance with our latest guidelines. Once this inspection passes, your water connection can then be programmed.
Download the app
Please Note: For sewer inspections we currently do not have an app. Please contact our team via email or call 0800 389 0379.
Do you need someone to attend your site?
If you require someone from Scottish Water to attend your site, this can still be requested through the portal (via the ‘Construction Schedule’ section) or by calling 0800 389 0379.
We have summarised the requirements for a water track inspection in the checklist document so you know what we will be looking for as part of our inspection.
Please review this checklist closely and ensure your site meets all criteria and is ready for inspection. This will ensure that when our inspectors attend, they can review all pipework installed and there is no risk of an abortive visit being incurred. Once this inspection passes, your water connection can then be programmed.