Careers Map
Careers Map - Let's Explore!
Have you ever wondered what it's like to work for Scottish Water?
New Careers Map
We have launched our brand new Careers Map for pupils across Scotland.
Pupils can explore eight exciting stops along the map including Science & Environment, Construction & Engineering, Communication & more! The map has something for everyone, each stop giving insight into various areas throughout our business.
Pupils interested in STEM subjects may wish to visit Digital, Data & Technology, pupils interested in protecting our plant may wish to visit Science & Environment. Or maybe you just like people... you’ll find lots of us here, but you may wish to visit ‘People and Customers’ first! In each stop, pupils are able to hear from our people, talking about their roles & how they 'got the job' ... it might not be the way you think!

The Careers Map is suitable for age's 10-17 (P6/7 - S6) & pupils in P6 - 7 who may benefit from an early introduction to the variety of exciting roles available to them in the future.
The map is entirely interactive throughout, hosting videos & blogs. Users will be able to discover what it's really like to work at Scottish Water and beyond.
Ultimately, the Careers Map will encourage pupils to think about the skills they have, which subjects they like or even the subjects they need in order to fulfil their desired careers. We want pupils to be aware of the broad opportunities available to them in the world of work! That there is no right or wrong path into work.
We hope the map will inspire pupils to think about a future career with Scottish Water & beyond.