Project Overview

A new Waste Water Pumping Station is being constructed at Almondbank,Perth. A new rising main pipeline will also be constructed, going across farmland to connect the Pumping Station with the 'super-sewer' currently being installed at Tay Street and Shore Road.

These upgrades are part of Scottish Water's investment in Perth to support the city's continued growth. These new waste water assets will also help to reduce the known risk of sewer flooding in the area.

Entrance to site where Almondbank Waste Water Pumping Station will be stored

Entrance to Scottish Water's Almondbank Site

This site is currently undergoing significant work to decommission current assets before the construction of a new waste water pumping station

Latest Update 

Work is progressing well on site, with decommissioning of the existing Waste Water Treatment Works well underway.

Temporary over-pumping has been set up on site to ensure that we maintain our essential waste water services for local residents and businesses.

Work has also started on the pipeline that will connect the new Pumping Station with the 'Super Sewer' currently being installed on Tay Street and Shore Road.