project statys delivery


Project Overview

Scottish Water is investing over £26million to improve the resilience and quality of the supply for customers in Newton Mearns, Eaglesham and East Kilbride.

The project will be carried out in two phases to prepare for the decommissioning of the Picketlaw Water Treatment Works which is approaching the end of its operational life.

The work is being delivered by Caledonia Water Alliance.

At a Glance

  • Improving resilience and quality of the water supply
  • Installing 13.5 miles of new water mains

Investing in Eaglesham, East Kilbride and Newton Mearns

Picketlaw Water Treatment Works


Picketlaw Water Treatment Works is nearing the end of its operational life and is being decommissioned.

What are we doing?

To improve the resilience and quality of water to Newton Mearns, Eaglesham and East Kilbride, customers' supply will be switched from Picketlaw to Drumoyhill and Daer.

**Please note - the switch has been postponed due to other works on the network. Customers are being updated and the website will be updated with dates once confirmed.**

  • Mearns Rd North
  • Mearns Road South
  • Greenbank
  • Williamwood
  • Netherlee 
Picketlaw Water Treatment Works

Supplies are being switched from Picketlaw

Picketlaw Water Treatment Works

Roadworks in Mearns Road

What does the project involve?

  • 13.5 miles of new pipes installed between Newton Mearns and East Kilbride  
  • Majority of work will be carried out in fields and countryside
  • Project will improve services and ensure water quality to tens of thousands of customers

Latest update


All works to renew the water mains in the Newton Mearns, East Kilbride and Eaglesham sections of the scheme have been completed.

The final stages of works at existing water storage tanks are ongoing.  

Wider strategic works are in progress on the water network to allow the commissioning of these new pipelines and chloraminated water being brought into supply. All customers will be notified in advance.  



What is chloramination? 

Chloramination is a tried and tested method of treating drinking water. Currently used to supply over 1 million of our customers throughout Scotland, it is widely used in the water industry, throughout the UK and worldwide. 

The process offers a reliable and effective form of water treatment by ensuring the disinfection of the water is consistent and stable throughout the pipe distribution process.

The chloramination process lasts longer in the pipe distribution network than using chlorine on its own, so there is no need to add further chlorine along the network of pipes meaning levels of chlorine in the water are reduced.